Ebooks are a great starting point to an additional stream of income. Generally speaking, you would pay a small fee to get this type of business up and running. After that is accomplished, it should be self-sustaining with a little advertising. Here are a few of my eBooks. Click on the link to purchase:

How To Build Your Side Hustle

Power of Execution

Have you ever considered selling items online? There are so many options to choose from these days (eBay, Etsy, Shopify, etc.). I can help get you started. Until then, check out my online retail store:

Tinika’s Retail Corner

Getting a book published is not as difficult as you may think. Book publishing is a great way to make money. If you are the slightest bit creative or have a good story to tell, you can publish a book. Here are links to a few books I have published:

Brown Girl Guide (Your 52 Week Transformation Journal)

Love & Happiness (Wedding Planner Journal)

Be Happy